The Bouquet


The "bouquet" that started Terra Shalom looked like these flats. I pack these flats in patterns. My wife knows that this is a low key love note. It is also my way of reminding her that we need more blue and green egg layers. We are challenging hundreds of years of selective breeding by selling the barnyard or rainbow dozen. 

Every week we have customers that marvel over our eggs. They have never seen an egg with a green or blue or pink shell. We even have customers who specifically say that they only want either white or brown eggs. We are usually accomodating. We also had at least 1 person that refused to eat the blue and green eggs because the eggs were "too beautiful to crack".  

Egg shell color has no bearing on what is inside the egg. The eggs are different only in shell color. Colored eggs are however an indicator of above average animal husbandry. How? Why? Only someone who cares about quality would have a mixed flock with green and blue egg layers. It costs MUCH more $ to raise the chickens and produce the green or blue eggs


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